It all started when…
The Word of Life Chapel of Powell’s Valley had its beginning as a Bible Study in a home in Halifax, PA. On October 1962, the pastor of the mother church (Word of Life Chapel of Lykens, PA) consented to be the Bible teacher and spiritual leader of the group in Halifax as well as continue serving in Lykens. After the Halifax group met for a number of months, they felt the need of a place to have a public assembly and rented a vacant school house, formerly Taylor’s School.
The first public worship service in this one-room school house in Halifax was held Sunday, April 1, 1963, with a Sunday school and evening worship service. This order of services was to continue along with a mid-week Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. In September 1966, the Lykens assembly joined with the Powell’s Valley Word of Life Chapel as one church in the rented one-room school house. In February 1968 land at our present location was purchased and a new church building was completed in 1970.
As the church grew the need arose to expand the present facility and on August 9, 1981 a ground-breaking service was held for the construction of a new building which included a new sanctuary, classrooms, library, etc. The old sanctuary will serve as a multi-purpose room, and the old Sunday school wing will be used as the Church Nursery.On September 30, 1984 the first Sunday morning service was held in the new sanctuary.