Facility Use Policy
Religious Activities
All Word of Life Chapel's property and facilities (including furniture, fixtures, and equipment) are holy and set apart to worship God, regardless of the location of the facility. (Colossians 3:17). Word of Life Chapel's facilities are consecrated to our religious ministry and mission because they are a provision from God. Use of the church's property shall be for the propagation of the Christian faith, for fellowship, witnessing, religious teaching, and charity. Therefore, all use and occupancy of Word of Life Chapel's property shall be limited to persons of our particular religion, the propagation of religion, or related religious purposes. A11 activities on church property must cohere with the religious purpose of Word of Life Chapel and further its Christian mission, whether the activity has an overt liturgical religious purpose (preaching, worship services, Bible instruction, communion, baptism) or a non-liturgical religious purpose (social service, mentorship, community service, charity, benevolence, charity, schools). Word of Life Chapel conducts all activities in order to advance or express its Christian mission, message, and viewpoint. Church facility use shall be exclusively conditioned on whether the use promotes Word of Life's mission, message, and viewpoint, as all facility usage is an opportunity to glorify God. In addition, church property is exclusively reserved for persons and organizations who agree to abide by Word of Life's Articles of Faith and Constitution, Statement of Faith on Marriage and Human Sexuality and Abortion, Policy Manual, and Policy for Building Use Form, which are incorporated herein by reference, as if firmly set forth herein. Likewise, Word of Life Chapel's facilities are not generally open to the public and may not be used by persons or groups holding, advancing, or advocating beliefs that conflict with the Word of Life Chapel's faith or moral teachings * including but not limited to Word of Life Chapel's Written Statements of Faith, which are incorporated herein by reference, as if fully set forth herein. Any facilities that are made available to approved non-members for usage are meant to further the Word of Life Chapel's calling to minister to others in the vein of charity and witnessing to our faith. For this reason, Word of Life Chapel property cannot be used for purposes that contradict the church's beliefs, which would constitute a grave violation of the church's faith and religious practice, as well as degrade the Word of Life Chapel's religious integrity. (II Corinthians 6:3; and 14; I Thessalonians 5:22.)
Word of Life Chapel's Board of Deacons possesses the exclusive power to enforce conformity of belief. In regards to facility usage, Word of Life Chapel seeks to avoid member confusion, formal or material cooperation with evil, and scandal by associating with any conduct that contradicts its religious beliefs. (1 Peter 2:12.) Church property issues or disputes are directly related to religious doctrine and practice, as all facilities are utilized in a manner to advance or express Word of Life Chapel's Christian mission, message, and viewpoint. (Colossians 3:17.) ln the event that church facility use departs in any way from the Word of Life Chapel's doctrine, mission, Written Statements of Faith, teaching or policies, Word of Life Chapel's designated religious authority shall exclusively resolve any disputes. The Board of Deacons alone may make inquiry into the religious law and usage of Word of Life Chapel’s facilities and is therefore essential to the resolution of the controversy.
Guidelines and Requirements
Each individual, group, or organization utilizing Word of Life Chapel's facilities (including equipment and property) is required to abide by all church guidelines, requirements and use restrictions at all times. Each individual, group, or orgarization is required to sign Word of Life Chapel's Facilities Usage Agreement. Word Of Life Chapel incorporates by reference its Code of Conduct, as if fully set forth herein. Word of Life Chapel incorporates its Statement of Faith on Marriage, Sexuality, and Gender Identity, as if fully set forth herein. Use of any controlled substances, including alcohol, tobacco products, and marijuana, is strictly prohibited on church property. church facilities are to be used with care and left in good, clean condition. Licensee(s) or Invitee(s) reserving Word of Life Chapel's facilities or property must confine said usage to pre-approved areas of the church property, as provided for in their Facility Usage Agreement. Any events involving children and youth require adequate adult supervision, provided by the reserving licensee(s) or invitee(s). Word of Life Chapel reserves the right to coordinate and schedule alternative activities and events in other church facilities. Word of Life Chapel reserves the right to accept or deny any applicants who seek to utilize or reserve Word of Life Chapel facilities. Permission that is granted to licensee(s) or invitee(s) to utilize Word of Life Chapel facilities or property shall not be transferred or passed to any alternative individual, group, or organization without the permission of Word of Life Chapel.
Any and all damage occurring to Word of Life Chapel facilities as a result of their use or reservation, shall be repaired and replaced by the licensee(s) or invitee(s), at a cost determined by the Board of Deacons or their designee. All who reserve Word of Life Chapel's property or facilities for use agree to release, protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Word of Life Chapel and its trustees, officers, employees, members and other representatives from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, actions, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and other legal costs) directly or indirectly arising out of their use of any Word of Life Chapel facilities.
All of our members, employees, and volunteers must affirm and adhere to this Facility Use Policy and church policies referenced therein to qualify for involvement with the ministry. This is necessary to accomplish our religious mission, goals and purpose. Any non-members who wish to utilize the Word of Life Chapel's facilities must acknowledge receipt and review of this Facility Use Policy. Further, non-members must agree to conduct themselves and their event, as well as utilize church facilities, in a manner consistent with the Word of Life Chapel's purpose, ministry, Written Statements of Faith and policies, as set forth herein.
Facility User Agreement
I have received, reviewed and agree to adhere to all WOLC’s policies, including but not limited to the Statement of Faith on Marriage, Sexuality, and Gender identity, Bylaws, Standards of Morals and Conduct, and Statement of Religious Authority. I have read and fully understand the Facility Use Policy and the Facility Use Agreement and hereby expressly agree to adhere to all guidelines, requirements, restrictions and other provisions set forth therein. I request to use the church facilities for the express purpose indicated above, and will utilize said facilities in a manner consistent with these stated purposes. To the best of my knowledge, I am not aware that the reserving individual, group, or organization holds, advances, or advocates beliefs that conflict with WOLC’s faith or moral teachings. It is agreed and understood that this contract shall remain in force only for the term in which I comply with WOLC’s policies, as set forth herein, and as long thereafter as I comply. I understand that all facilities privileges automatically terminate if I engage in any conduct or avocation of conduct that stands in contradiction to WOLC's stated beliefs, policies, and mission as set forth herein. I agree to WOLC’s authority immediately upon the knowledge that church facilities or properties are being utilized in a manner inconsistent with church policies. I submit to the designated authority of WOLC to resolve any disputes relating to church property or facility use.
Word of Life Chapel
The sanctuary and foyer of the building are off-limits for food consumption. See church
constitution, Article 4, no. 3.
"Fundraising" is something other than the normal giving of a congregation toward
the work of the Lord for a specific cause or need. Any funds collected for food items
will be by donation or suggested donation, but only within the confines of the church
buildings. Any other fundraising event needs to be approved by the Board.
The use of building facilities is basically intended for in-church group activities and functions.
Functions eligible for facilities use approval include:
reception for weddings
luncheons for church sponsored conferences
hospitality meals for visiting groups
banquets for special church related occasions
prayer breakfasts
funeral receptions
children's parties
special class socials
commissioning receptions
special uses, (eg. family anniversaries)
Receptions for wedding and special uses require Board of Deacons approval and
completion of "Application for Facilities use".
When required, application forms shall be completed and signed by two responsibie
persons. These persons agree, thereby, to make the group they represent
responsible for any damage to church property.
All outside group representatives requesting use of facilities shall schedule through the
Pastor's office. Facilities shall be available on a fust-come basis, only.
The following rules and regulations shall be strictly observed:
smoking shall not be permitted at any time.
the use of alcohol or drugs in any form is prohibited.
profanities and obscenities will not be tolerated.
persons in charge of function or event shall be responsible for ciean-up except
when janitorial services are required.
personal attire should be appropriate for the occasion.
special entertainment needs to be approved.
facilities use shall be limited to those areas requested on the application.
a general announcement shallb,e made to the group using the facilities
concerning items arb, c, and g.
The parry using the building facilities is responsible for setting up and taking
down tables, chairs, etc. The rooms must be left as they are found.
No red drinks are permitted.
The final interpretation of this policy shall be by the Board of Deacons.
Changes made in this policy must be approved by the majority of the Deacons.